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Architect from FAU-USP, Master in Electrical Engineering from Escola Politécnica da USP. Member of ABNT/COBEI, CB-03, where she worked as Coordinator of the Standards Commission techniques of lighting applications and photometric measurements from 2008 to 2017.
Member of ASBAI, where he coordinates the Industry and Commerce Studies Commission. Specialist at CGCRE /INMETRO in the scope of LED lamps and public lighting for os certification processes.
Director and consultant senior da EXPER Soluções Luminotécnicas.
Electrical Engineer from Escola Politécnica da USP, Master in Electrical Engineering with emphasis on Power Systems from USP. Specialist at EXPER Soluções Luminotécnicas in Public Lighting and Lighting Controls with experience in energy efficiency projects, power electronics, energy use management, measurement and verification and lighting retrofits. Member of the Technical Standards Commission for Lighting Applications and Photometric Measurements of COBEI/ABNT, actively participating in the current revision of NBR 5101.
Electrical Engineer by UNESP, Architect Urbanista by FIAMFAAM. Pós-Graduada em Projetos de Iluminação pelo SENAC. Especialista em Projetos Luminotécnicos, com experiência em estudos e análises urbanísticas com uso de_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ferramentas de georreferenciamento (QGIS), cálculos e simulações luminotécnicas, ferramentas de representação gráfica 2D e 3D, desenvolvimento de produtos_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e elaboration/creation of technical materials such as catalogs, manuals and analytical reports on product and project performance.
Technologist in Management and Administration Empresarial from the Faculty of Technology – Centro Paula Souza. Financial Administrative Assistant, with experience in digital marketing. Helps in the administrative management of cursos, projects and consultancies-de905-1-cc bb3b-136bad5cf58d_marketing from Exper Soluções Luminotécnicas.